Saturday, February 13, 2016

Day 3

Hello from Nicaragua!

Our long night of sharing scary stories led to a rough morning wake up. Even though it was early, the pancakes we had for breakfast were well worth it. When we arrived to the house, Michele was ready to play with us.
Many batches of cement were made giving us a short break for lunch. After lunch, it only took three more batches of concrete to complete the job. The "Senior's last batch" tradition was fulfilled while Bobby, Ilse, Kyle, Chrissy, Kelly, Mikki, Dani and Gaby hoed away. It was a very rewarding feeling to finish the house, but also sad closing this chapter of our trip. To finish the final day working, Maria Ester, the seven year old daughter, drew us a picture, thanking us all for building her a new home.

On the way back to the ranch, we were able to stop by the home the 2015 Nica Crew built. It was gratifying to see the progress on the house since last years trip. The house was divided into two bedrooms and electricity was being installed.

We are all proud to say that the 2016 Nica Crew completed this home in two and a half days! After taking nice and moist showers, we are now taking a much needed rest and can't wait for dinner and devotions.

Until tomorrow,
Dani, Landon, and Gaby :)

Day 2


The second day was filled with nonstop hoeing to create more "nice and moist" concrete. Our goal was to get all the walls up and to cement the floor. In order to accomplish this goal, we split up into two teams, one batch of concrete at a time. After each batch was completed, everyone joined in to create an assembly line that carried the buckets of cement to the house. To keep us all entertained, we broke out into old TV show theme songs. After plenty of thought, Landon and Maria finally remembered the intros to "Drake and Josh" and "Suite Life of Zack and Cody".
We then continued with "Guess the Hum" game. Of course, Mikki knew every Disney song, while Gaby guessed every High School Musical tune in less than 5 seconds. When Kelly and Dani said "only 80's and 90's songs!", they were the only ones left playing.
As the long day went on, most of us started getting tired... except for one. Tyler continued to give 100% all day and it showed. "This bucket is too heavy...TYLER!!!"
Although a few people in the Nica crew don't speak Spanish, the language barrier did not limit them. Maddie, Sabrina, Charles, and Kyle continued to create relationships with the family we are building the home for. Michele, the four year old daughter never fails to put a smile on each and every one of our faces.
After a long day at work, we all ran to the showers to get ready for dinner and devotions. Maria, the cook made another killer meal for us that was much needed after all the hard work. Devos was then led by Tyler, who opened up about his testimony, which brought us all closer as a crew. We were all reminded about why we are here and can't be more grateful.

So excited for tomorrow!
Dani and Gaby :)