Thursday, February 11, 2016

day 1

Hello from Nicaragua!!!!

We are thrilled to say that we have arrived safe and well to Nicaragua. We have completed one full day of work today and we are all tired, sore, sunburned, and with paint still covering our arms and face. But most importantly we are thrilled, excited, blessed, and humbled by those we have met today, including the family we are building the house for. The family includes two little girls, Michelle (age 4) and Maria Estelle (age 7) and their loving parents. We were so happy when we met the family and saw that they had just as much enthusiasm as we did. The two girls went straight to work with us and helped us paint the roof where most of the paint just ended up on their clothes. We then had a little dance party inside the house as we stomped and jumped to level the floor. 

Although Nica Crew has been involved in building houses for 6 years now, we only have 5 returning students and thirteen newcomers. We are definitely a fresh group of people and with that comes a desire and craving to want to work, work, and work. Erica Brenner and Chrissy Stech were the hoeing queens as they worked on every single batch of cement. Erica has a great farmers tan to prove it. Anthony Pino was the leader and the translator between us and the four construction workers. Sabrina Apple and Mikki Riviera are the new PB&J Divas. Maria Gonzales and Kelli Salas are the Picasso's of the group and still have paint on their hair and face just as any artiste would. Maddie Te Riele worked diligently while everyone else was covered in dirt and she just glistened. The children showed their beautiful smiles and dabbing skills to cameramen, A.KA Landon Scherr and Charles Gonzales. The three musketeers, Gaby, Kelly, and Dani were just living their lives and made an amazing beat/bar to keep us entertained and just in case you didn't know, on Thursday they wear pink. Also, Dani fell inside a pit of cement. Kyle, Tyler, and Bobbie all came out of their shells and helped with everything whether it be hoeing, painting, or playing with the kids. Most importantly we had Wildman, Tick Nolander, back with us. 

Now we are about to start our devos and reminisce on our day. As I sit and listen to Tia Jessie sing along to the angelic voices of Landon and Gaby I can say from the bottom of my heart that today was a great day. We now know that we aren't just building a house but a home for this family. 

With much love and eagerness to see what else is ahead we say goodbye... Until tomorrow!

Blessings from Nica 
